How do I create a grid?

All platform members can now create a grid (even if this is just within their own private grids in their own private folder area - for user and external member types). 

For Architects and Builders, click on the grids icon to go to the grid library.

Select the folder you want the grid to live in and click on “New Grid +”. You will be taken to a new grid page. A new grid will contain a single stage and a single theme. You will arrive with edit mode turned on. Please note that this action button is highlighted; clicking on it toggles between edit mode on and edit mode off (i.e. viewing the grid as a user would see it).

You can start by editing the grid name: by clicking inline into the grid title. Next, you might want to add a grid description. You can do this by clicking the description action button on the grid actions bar and updating the text inline.  

Please note all changes made to your new grid are automatically saved.

It’s that simple to get going.