How do I export a Gantt chart as a PDF?

The Gantt export to PDF tool lets you export your Gantt charts to PDF.

The tool includes a number of export options including page orientation, size, date ranges and more. Once exported as a PDF, the Gantt can be shared or printed as required.

To export a Gantt as a PDF

Open the Gantt chart you want to Export and select the export to PDF button:


You can now use the export settings dialogue to configure how you would like the Gantt to be exported. You can:

  1. Columns – add or remove data columns
  2. Schedule range – export the whole schedule, just the visible schedule or select a specific date range to export
  3. Rows – export all rows or just the rows visible on your screen
  4. Control pagination – export the Gantt as a single page, multiple pages or multiple pages, but break the pages vertically not horizontally
  5. File format – export the Gantt as a PDF or as a PNG (image)
  6. Paper format – select the paper size, if your Gantt is very large you can select a larger size such as A3
  7. Orientation – select either portrait or landscape


Once configured, click export and wait for your PDF or PNG file to be created ready for download.