How do I filter the Gantt chart?

Each column of data in your Gantt can be filtered. These filters can be combined and will apply to the Gantt data table and corresponding chart items.

To filter a column, move your cursor over (or touch) the column heading and select the filter button (next to the column sort button). Once selected, this will open the filter for that data type:

Number Contains – Order

This uses a contains match search e.g. contains 2.



Text Advanced Filter – Name and Work Calendar

This uses an advanced filter in which you can set parameters such as contains, equals, starts with etc. You can also chain combinations of filters within this advanced filter by selecting add more.



Number Advanced Filter – Duration

This uses an advanced filter in which you can set parameters such as contains, equals, greater than etc. You can also chain combinations of filters within this advanced filter by selecting add more.



Dates – Start Date, End Date, Constraint Date and Deadline

This uses an advanced filter in which you can set parameters such as between, this week, last month etc. You can also chain combinations of filters within this advanced filter by selecting add more.



Select – Assignee, Element Label, Grid Label, Folder, Grid Type, Grid State and Constraint Type

This uses a searchable select filter from which you can select the values to filter by.



Number Exact – Predecessors and Successors

This uses an exact match search, simply type in the exact value you wish to filter by:



Managing and Clearing Filters

Columns that have filters applied to them will show the filter icon in the heading. Hover over this icon to see the filters currently applied to that column

To clear any filters you have set, you can either open the filter for that column and remove each individual filter or you can select the clear all filters button:
