How do I manage Two-factor authentication on my account?

There are multiple authenticators that can be used to set up two-factor authentication, we have help articles for Microsoft and Google, but others can be used just scan the QR code in-app.

Account Architects (super users) can manage their member's authentication in a number of ways: 

Enforce Two-Factor Authentication 

If you want all your members to use two-factor authentication, you can toggle on the enforce two-factor authentication option in your account settings (Account Settings > Security). Once on, all account members will see a banner asking them to configure their two-factor authentication, this banner will remain until they do this. Also, if the member logs in before they have setup their two-factor authentication, they will be asked to complete the setup immediately, before they are logged in. 

Enforce two-factor authentication interface

Review Authentication Methods 

In your account members list, you can now review which authentication method each of your members are using, this can be one of: 

  • Email/password = they are only using email and password to authenticate, no two-factor is enabled 
  • Two-factor authentication + email/password = they have two-factor enabled 
  • Single sign-on = they use your single sign-on provider to authenticate 

Review all member's authentication methods

Reset a Member's Two-Factor Authentication 

In your account members list, you can also reset a member's two-factor authentication by clicking the reset link. Once confirmed, this will remove two-factor authentication for that member and they will have to set it up again. Be sure that you know this request is genuine before doing this! 


Two-Factor Authentication Problems 

If you do not have access to your authenticator app you have the following options: 

  1. Enter a recovery code to login 
  1. Contact your account Architect (super admin) and ask them to reset your two-factor authentication 

If you need to change your authenticator app or set it up again, return to your security settings (My Settings > Security) and select change two-factor authentication method.