How do I set the time zone?

Architects - Account wide time zone setting

The account’s timezone is used for all scheduling dates within your account i.e. if your account’s timezone is set to Europe/London then this locale will be used when calculating and displaying all scheduling dates within Method Grid e.g. start dates, end dates, constraint dates, completion dates, sign off dates etc.

As an architect (admin), you can decide at an account level the time zone for your entire account. To do this:

  1. Click on the your profile image in the bottom left corner of the app.
  2. Select Account settings from the pop-out. 
  3. Select the Date & Time tab.
  4. Select your time zone from the dropdown.
  5. Your selection will be automatically saved.

CAUTION! Changing your account's timezone will reschedule everything in your account to the new timezone and trigger any relevant date change notifications to all your team members.

Members (any role) - Personal time zone setting

IMPORTANT NOTE: The member’s timezone is NOT used when calculating and displaying scheduling dates such as start and end dates, scheduling is always based on the account’s timezone. 

As a member (any role), you can set your own preferred timezone. To do this:

  1. Click on the your profile image in the bottom left corner of the app.
  2. Select Your settings from the pop-out.
  3. Select the Date & Time tab.
  4. Select your time zone from the dropdown.
  5. Your selection will be automatically saved.

The member’s timezone is used by the app when:

  • Displaying activity based timestamps to that member e.g. in the activity log, the date a comment was posted and the date of notifications
  • Sending that member’s daily summary email, this will be sent at 7am in the member’s chosen timezone